Monday, April 30, 2012

Anasai and The Moss Covered Rock By: Eric A. Kimmel

Anansi the spider was walking through the forest when he saw a peculiar looking rock. Anansi kept getting knocked out for an hour after everytime he said , isn’t this a strange looking rock?” It was a magic rock. Anansi went walking until he came to the lion’s house. They talked about the heat and he asked the lion to go on a cool walk in the forest. They walked together and when they approached the moss covered rock he tricked them into saying,” isn’t this a strange moss covered rock.” When the lion awoke and went home he realized all of his yams were gone. Anansi was very happy. He loved his new trick. He did it to the elephant with the bananas. He did the same to the Rhino, Hippo, Giraffe, and Zebra and soon all the other animals in the forest. The little deer saw him playing these tricks and picked a bunch of coconuts. He waited for Anansi to come and they went on a walk to the forest. The deer tricked  Anansi into saying the magic word and when the spider passed out the little bush deer collected all the other animals to gather their stolen food from Anansi’s house. Anansi still plays tricks.

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