Monday, April 30, 2012

In Our Mother's House By: Patricia Polacco

A child talks about how her mothers are so happy when they brought her home. Three years after her birth her brother Will came to live with them. Three years later Millie, her little sister came. The mothers were different from each other. They were Italian and loved to cook and sew. Meema was a pediatrician and Marmee was a paramedic who was good at fixing things and was very organized. They were a very happy family who loved to laugh and listen to music. They lived in California. The fire place in the living room was the favorite part of the house and sometimes they would pop popcorn. The sun room was a where the children kept their toys and costumes. Mrs. Lockner the neighbor did not like the family. Will enjoyed building things like marmee so they built a tree house in the back yard. The Lockner children were invited to sleep over but their mother would not allow it. The children did not understand because they were always quiet and respectful. The kitchen was the center of everything during the holidays. The children were measured there every year. The family shared stories from the heart. The mothers organized a block party. The Woolsey street block party was very fun-everyone was invited. The whole neighborhood came, except for the Lockners. Mrs. Lockner came and told the moms she didn’t appreciate what they were. The children didn’t understand and mommy said she was afraid of what she didn’t understand. Millie and her sister had been picked to host a tea party and they decided to host it at their house. The moms dressed up in dresses and the children felt loved. The children grew up to be great things and lead wonderful lives.

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